Donate once for lasting impact

Be the Change: Give Once and Create a Lasting Impact for Tomorrow with Your One-Time Donation.

Our focus

Feed God's Hungry Children is dedicated to ending child hunger. Join us by making a one-time donation and help provide meals, advocacy, and education to families in need. Donate now and make a difference!

Millions of children in America experience food insecurity, which can have lasting effects on their health and well-being. Feed God’s Hungry Children is a charity dedicated to ending child hunger in the United States. Our organization works tirelessly to provide meals to children and families in need, and we also advocate for policies that address the root causes of food insecurity.

We believe that every child deserves access to nutritious food, regardless of their circumstances. By making a one-time donation to Feed God’s Hungry Children, you can help us reach more families and provide the support they need to thrive. Join us in our mission to end child hunger and create a brighter future for our nation’s youth. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless children and families struggling with food insecurity.

At Feed God’s Hungry Children, we understand that hunger is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. That’s why we not only provide meals, but also work to address the root causes of food insecurity. We collaborate with local communities and other organizations to develop sustainable solutions that empower families to break the cycle of poverty and hunger.

We believe that hunger is a solvable problem, and we’re committed to working towards a future where no child goes to bed hungry. With your support, we can continue to expand our efforts, reach more families in need, and build a stronger, more equitable food system for all. Join us in our fight against child hunger and help create a world where everyone has access to the food they need to thrive.

At Feed God’s Hungry Children, we take a holistic approach to tackling the issue of child hunger. Our organization not only provides meals to children and families in need, but also offers additional resources such as nutrition education, cooking classes, and onsite thrift shopping. By equipping families with the tools they need to succeed, we’re able to create a long-term solution to food insecurity.

In addition, we believe in the power of advocacy to create lasting change. We work closely with community leaders to advance support for food security, such as increasing support for school meal programs and expanding access to healthy food in underserved areas. Through our advocacy efforts, we’re able to address the systemic issues that contribute to child hunger and create a more just and equitable food system for all.

There are many ways for donors to get involved in the fight against child hunger. One of the easiest ways to make a difference is by making a one-time donation to Feed God’s Hungry Children. Your donation will go directly towards providing meals and resources to families in need, and will help us expand our programs and reach more children across the country.

Another way to get involved is by volunteering your time. We have many volunteer opportunities available, from sorting and packing food to delivering meals to families in need. By volunteering with us, you’ll have the opportunity to make a direct impact on the lives of children and families in your community, while also gaining valuable skills and experience.

Whether you choose to make a donation or volunteer your time, your support is essential to our mission of ending child hunger. Together, we can create a world where every child has access to the nutritious food they need to grow and thrive. Join us today and help make a difference in the lives of countless children and families struggling with food insecurity.

How we help those in need...

At Feed God's Hungry Children, we help those in need through a combination of feeding programs, food rescue, and distribution of nutritional food boxes.

Feeding programs

Our feeding program at Feed God's Hungry Children provides nutritious meals to hungry children in the US and overseas, just $10 able to provide 50 meals.

Food rescue

Feed God's Hungry Children's food rescue program provides nutritious meals to hungry children by rescuing produce from Nogales, AZ farmland.

Nutritional food boxes

We provide nutritious food boxes and education to families in need, ensuring access to healthy food and promoting healthy choices.


Feed God's Hungry Children has The Highest Level of Recognition Offered by GuideStar

The GuideStar Platinum is an easy way for organizations to share their progress and results. Check out our review on GuideStar.

How you can help

By partnering with Feed God's Hungry Children you can help make a significant impact in the fight against childhood hunger and ensure that every child has access to the nutritious food they need to grow and thrive. Here are a few ways to get involved!

Give hope, one month at a time

Giving monthly to Feed God's Hungry Children can provide a consistent source of support, helping to ensure that hungry children have access to the nutritious food they need to thrive and grow.

Consider becoming a legacy donor today

Create a brighter future for vulnerable children by becoming a legacy giver. Leave a gift in your will or estate plan to help end child hunger and inspire others to give. Join our community today.

Volunteer to feed hope to hungry children

Volunteering at FGHC will make a direct impact on hungry children by helping to prepare and distribute meals, and supporting essential programs that serve vulnerable families in the community.

No child will go hungry, we will find them all.

Childhood hunger is a problem that affects communities across the country, but your donation can help make a difference. By supporting our charity, you can help provide meals to hungry children and give them the hope and support they need to overcome the challenges they face.

The latest news & stories

Discover expert insights and strategies for preventing child hunger in these compelling blogs. Learn about its root causes, impact, and practical steps you can take to make a difference.

How you can help

Join us in the fight against child hunger by becoming a donor today and help make a real difference in the lives of children who need it the most.

Thank you for considering a donation to help end child hunger and improve the lives of children around the world.

Your donation saves children's lives, Help feed hungry children today.


Become a monthly donor and give hope.


Sign up to become a volunteer.

Give where it's needed most

How your giving will make an impact.

See how much your donation will impact others below.

  • Provide 500 Meals
    Provide 500 Meals $100

    Your gift of $100 will reach 500 hungry children in the U.S. with one meal, or provide 5,000 meals overseas.

  • Feed 800 Families
    Feed 800 Families $500

    Your gift of $500 will reach 800 hungry families in the U.S. with one meal, or provide 8,000 meals overseas.

  • Feeds 5,000 Children
    Feeds 5,000 Children $1000

    Your gift of $1,000 will reach 5,000 hungry children in the U.S. with one meal, or provide 25,000 meals overseas.

  • Feeds 8,000 Families
    Feeds 8,000 Families $5000

    Your gift of $5,000 will reach 8,000 hungry families with one meal in the U.S. or provide 80,000 meals overseas.

Our Mission 

Feed God’s Hungry Children is a charitable organization with a mission to alleviate hunger, provide clothing, and offer spiritual education to underprivileged children and their families globally. You have the opportunity to contribute towards our cause and assist in healing and aiding these neglected children. We are a tax-exempt charity with the Tax ID Number 86-1004800. Please note that the trademarks, “Feed God’s Hungry Children” and “Feed God’s Hungry Children Marks,” are registered trademarks of our organization.

Contact Us by phone at 
(602) 499-1320 or by Mail at: 21208 N 52nd Ave., Glendale AZ 85308.